Do I Need a Property Survey When Buying a Property? Quick Look at When & When Not…


Let’s talk about surveys! A lot of people are relocating here from other states and they're asking questions about surveys. Are they required in Tennessee? No, they are not! In some states a survey is not an optional item, but here it is. 


With that in mind, let’s talk about when you do and do not need to get a survey. 


If you're buying a property like a large track of land out in the country in a rural setting that may not have transferred ownership in decades, been in a family forever and nobody really knows exactly where the property line is, or is the line is described as “the tree line over here the creek bed over yonder and the ditch…

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Good Morning!


I ran across this Fannie Mae forecast report(s) this morning. Historically these Fannie Mae forecasts have been very accurate, and this set is very encouraging!


Both the economic and housing reports run through 2024. Looking at the CPI & GDP forecast numbers form the economic report, they are predicting inflation to fall into check early in 2024. As you can see, we are already in a falling pattern and heading to the target of a 2% range as recommended by the Federal Reserve.


Looking at the housing forecast, Fannie Mae predicts that mortgage rates should settle in the 5%’s range in 2024. This is GREAT NEWS for buyers and sellers! 


In reviewing these two reports together we can see that it looks promising that…

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Your Guide to Virtual Showings


Today we’re going to talk about Virtual Showings. 


In Jackson, we have a lot of industry, which leads to a lot of people moving in from other areas. This means that you might not be in town, or be able to quickly come to town, when a great property hits the market. Thanks to technology, you can now see that home virtually! 


Basically, I go to the home and walk you around using Skype or Zoom or FaceTime or something like that. Or, I can make a video of the home and send it for you to watch. 


Either way, you can “walk” the property with out being there. As we go around, you can ask questions about what you see and I can make observations as I see the property in person. 


In a market…

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